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Hello, this is Siwri88, better known to some as Simon. Currently work as a picture researcher and product editor with a leading publishing company that works with trading cards and sticker albums on a variety of licenses in sport and entertainment. Freelance Journalist and writing a book in my spare time. Achieved a 2:1 studying BA Hons Journalism at the University of Northampton (2009-2012). Enjoy reading!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Pondering short-term failings and longer term possibilities

By Simon Wright (Personal Piece)

NEXT week is what the University calls ‘Production Week,’ ‘Reading Week,’ whatever you want to call it.  Once again, it will provide me with the perfect opportunity to go home for the week, which at the end of the day, is where my true heart is and where I belong.  Not only will I use the opportunity to refocus, but it is time to ponder my next move in the long-term.
      I am one of those people who like security and want to sort things out and not have grave uncertainty hanging over me.  I’m afraid I don’t have that privilege at the moment and it isn’t a nice feeling to have.  None of us want to have this feeling and perhaps that explains the tricky start I’ve had to my final year at Uni.  We all choose to study on the degree for the right reasons and have to deal with the constructive criticism, the knockbacks and the disagreements of opinion in a calm and dignified manner.  There are tough times for everyone in journalism and as they say in the legendary bobsled movie Cool Runnings; ‘Rise above It.’ For example, I was annoyed to find out on Monday that a feature piece which I had already planned out has been changed to a series of topics that don’t interest me in the slightest.  Not only did I feel like I had wasted some of my time, but it would have been nice to hear about this at the start of the year, not five weeks into the course.  However, sometimes you need to take a step back to appreciate the compromises that have to be made.  I’m aware that you can’t complain if you get a job and have to write something that you don’t have any interest in.  So, no kidding, writing about the death penalty will not excite me but I’ve got to get on with what has been set.  I took things too far and moaned about it on Monday evening on Facebook and let’s face it, nobody was impressed.  Fair enough, it wasn’t a wise move and following up from last week; I hold my hands up and should have kept my mouth shut on the matter.  If I don’t like it, I know where the exit door is.  It will probably help in the short-term not using Facebook for three whole weeks, letting things blow over and take a much-needed break from the social network site which has taken a grip of control of late.  Christmas isn’t that far away, and I must approach that in the season of goodwill, not be the green-eyed Grinch monster!
       Throughout the first month of my final year, I will honestly say that it has been a struggle, far more than I could have anticipated.  However, have I dealt with things in the right manner?  Probably not!  The relaxed approach to everything at the end of last year will return while I am at home next week because let’s face it, nobody like serious, moody Simon.  Not even I like myself when I’m like that.  It might take a knock on the head to help, but we are now in the beginning of November.  I’m going to treat it as a new month, new start and forget the tough times of the first month.  As one of my closest friends said to me via the wonderful BlackBerry Messenger service on Sunday night; I’m a stronger person that what I have shown so far.  Yes, we all get disappointed and frustrated when certain aspects are changed and if you don’t, I’d nominate you for ‘World’s Strongest Individual!’
      So, that’s the short-term goal; to return to my old self, be more open and deal with disappointment in a more concealed manner rather than blowing up on one of those rants.  However, the long-term is still uncertain and that is a test that might be harder to crack.  I know in myself that I am good enough to make it and I’m certainly not burnt out by journalism.  To be honest, I never have been.  True, I get annoyed with some of the media’s tactics in reporting a story nowadays and of course, the phone hacking scandal of the summer really changed the landscape of how media and journalists are seen to the general public.  I still want to chase my dream of ultimately being successful in this industry, but probably need guidance in the next move I make.  I’m 23 now and don’t want to be doing more years of constant studying, especially as I came to University two years later than most of the rest of the course I currently study on. 
     Where do I go next then is the question?  The possibility to do an NCTJ accredited course is very tempting.  I’ve been checking out prices for a variety of courses.  The cheaper option would be a Distance Learning course, which I can do in my own time, over a maximum of two years.  Unfortunately, my University isn’t NCTJ accredited, so areas like shorthand are not included on my course.  In hindsight, it’s something I probably should have thought about more when I was making decisions on University in the winter of 2008.  Sports journalism is where I wanted to end up then and it still is today, but I don’t know if I should be more specific in what I am aiming for.  I feel that without getting an NCTJ course or training for one in a job, I can’t see myself reaching and fulfilling my goals.  Summer 2012 is certainly the best option for this, but I wouldn’t mind getting a bit more guidance in this area.
     So, this is something I would like to timetable at while I am at home next week.  It’s no harm pondering over your options and actually, it’s a good thing that I’m trying to keep open-minded on this.  Unfortunately, the unpredictable economic climate and the lack of jobs out there mean that an uncertain future is one that faces a lot of us.  I won’t lie; it’s a small world and not a great feeling to have.
       In summary, sort out the short-term faults of recent weeks and return to University on the 14 November as a far better and more positive person for the testing start; something I know I’m capable of.  In the long-term; give your goals some thought over the next week as playing the waiting game is rubbish!

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